Favorite Christian Radio Programs Heard Over Short-Wave Radio Via WTJC
April 16, 2004 I got this schedule from: hope it is still valid. Their schedule doesn't change much really. The times on this chart are Eastern U.S. Time. I haven't heard all the programs this station offers. These are my
favorites of the programs I have heard. And no, I don't agree with
everything taught on these programs 100% of the time. If you don't
have a short-wave radio, you can hear these over the web. At least you
could do that a few weeks ago. I had difficulty accessing their web
sites today. Their live stream is a Winamp file. (Rather, it was
Winamp when I last listened to them.) RADIOS Listing all the radios in the house would be rather difficult. We have them all over the house and in places which I can't always remember. (They don't all work.) I am just going to name the main ones here. I recently (late 2003) received for free, an Amateur or Ham Radio transmitter. It was bought on eBay and it is like new. The radio is an Icom, IC-706MKII. I haven't even plugged it in or turned it on yet. I know that to hook the mic. up, when I don't have a license, is against FCC regulations. So, I will leave it in the box until I get the license. I know very little about antennas anyway. I hope to have a license soon. I have a lot to learn though. If I go to the trouble to get a license, might as well get the best one. I have contacted a local person already (who is a member of the ARRL) about getting a license. I got a copy of, "There Are No Electrons: Electronics For Earthlings", by Kenn Amdahl. It should be a good introduction to some of the things I need to know. (January 5, 2006 see also the Journal entry for this date, near the bottom of the entry.) The radio I have been listening to a lot lately is, a Sharp QT-77 boom box that happens to have short-wave on it. This is the second short-wave that I got. (The first one got hit with a hammer, so I "had" to get this one.) It has gotten rained on a few times as I have taken it camping. When it would get wet, it would make this awful squeak sound when you turned it on. It would dry out and then it would work again. The motors on the tape player/ recorders do not work well anymore. There are various shorts in things. Not all the buttons work, or work properly. I used to leave it tuned to CBC Radio 2 and I listened to "Take 5" all afternoon. I decided to try it for SW again. I was in the mood for something "new", but I can't always afford to buy new radios. "Fixing" this one up, was cheaper and it is something new in a way. I was told by a friend that I could squirt contact cleaner around the volume and other buttons. That helped some. I even managed to tighten up the tuning knob with a screwdriver. I made it fit tighter onto the metal rod it is attached to. It still won't hold a station very well---there is lots of drift with it. But it is ok for listening to by the computer. And it saves wear on my "good" radios. Oh, I don't hit my radios with hammers anymore. Although I have almost put my fist through the computer monitor a few times. (Figuratively speaking of course.) I have learned that if you walk away and do something else for a while, a lot of the time you can figure out the problem easier when you go back to it later on. Don't always practice that though. I have two Grundig radios. The first one is a Grundig Satellit 700. I highly recommend the reconditioned radios from Universal Radio in Ohio! That is how I got this one. The other one I have is a Grundig YB 400PE. I enjoy listening to them!! It is nice to be able to type in a frequency and have the station come up. With the Sharp it was always hit or miss. I use felt tip markers on it now to mark the specific frequency. The ICOM is a "good" radio too. But this is a list of the, "good" radios that I listen to on a regular basis. Collectable Radios Even if they don't work, they make nice "dust collectors", as my husband calls, "collectables". My husband works at a die cutting shop. They sometimes make parts for a guy in Detroit whose business is fixing old radios. One of my pet peeves is when people take old radios and other electronic things and use the nice wooden cabinets as book shelves or "drinks cabinets". My Granny gave away her beautiful 1950 Philco television/ radio/record player, that was in a wonderful wooden cabinet. She gave it to her, "cleaning woman" so that she could make a bookshelf out of it. Urgh!! We have two Zenith Transoceanics. Don't know the model number or anything on them. They are either in the basement somewhere or they are buried in the attic. One was my husband's great-grandfather's. He used it in a boat on the Great Lakes. Don't know which lake, sorry. I was told that at one time they made phonograph recordings of short-wave. Don't know if it was from this radio or not. They recorded things like the coronation in the 50's of Queen Elizabeth. Am not sure if they recorded that specific event or not. Don't know where the recordings ever went. The other Transoceanic we got at a garage/estate sale here in town. The one we bought works better and looks better than the one we inherited. I have a Bush Radio LTD. Battery Receiver Type B.P. 90. These radios were first sold in 1946. It was sold along with an ancient pair of BBC headphones for about $12.00 at an auction in Ft. Worth, Texas. The price of this radio, when it was new was, £14.14s.0d + tax or about $23.00. (I sent a letter to Old Time Supplies in England to ask about this radio.) The guy who ran the auction said everything came from Scotland. This is a British radio and headphones. The other things I got from the auction were not electronic and they were from Italy. I think they could have been from Italy by way of Scotland. This radio doesn't work. It needs a 90 volt battery. No one but antique radio people, seem to know what a 90 volt battery is. I carried this not so portable, "portable" radio around Ft. Worth by buss and foot once. (November 25, 1985) People at radio shack and other places would look at me like I was from Mars when I asked if they had a 90 volt battery. I was copying some recipes from one of James Herriot's books once. ("All Creatures Great And Small", author.) This was a book about life in Yorkshire during the 1930's etc. He wrote about a glass battery they used on farms, that people would take to town and have recharged. I think this radio might take one of those batteries. Yippee!!!! I knew I would finally find an online picture of this radio sometime. (I used to have, right here, two links to someone else's radio.) If you go here you can see a picture of my Bush BP 90. I did have two links to this other photo of a Bush BP 90. On May 2, 2004, I couldn't get those two links to work. I thought that maybe they might work when you clicked on them. But on December 14, 2005 they still weren't working so I removed them. I put a link on here to a photo of my own Bush BP 90 instead. Then I have my Granny's 1938 Sears Silvertone. This is a tall one with a wooden cabinet. I don't have the model number or anything as the radio is presently buried in this room. (I have two wooden crates as shelves on top of it, holding WRTHs and other radio books.) My grandparents couldn't understand why I wanted it. They said it never worked very well. Judging by the amount of canceled checks I found; and what my grandfather told me, I think they preferred shopping at Montgomery Wards. My grandfather brought it home from the Sears store in Lubbock, Texas. It wouldn't work. So he took it back. His brother in law helped him throw the radio onto a pile of tarps in the back of a pickup truck. My grandfather took it back to the store in Lubbock. (This was about 30 some miles from home.) When he got there the radio worked fine. This radio needs a speaker. Legend has it that the adopted grandson of the above mentioned brother in law, "stole" the speaker out of this radio. I may have a replacement. There is a stand up cabinet radio in the basement. Someone was going to throw it away and I got it. I don't remember what kind it is. The radio in the basement is in pieces. The person who had it before me was attempting to fix it? The cabinet is in good shape. The speaker is one part of the basement, the "guts" another, and the cabinet is "somewhere", down there. Ok, the last radio I am going to write about. It is a small transistor portable table radio. It is a Motorola All Transistor. Motorola cordless 1500 all transistor portable-table radio, Model XT18. "Operates from two readily available 9 volt batteries". Ha! They aren't available anymore! It sits up with the radio books. It takes two batteries. I think it is a "farm" radio. It took some type of "farm"? batteries. I kept one. I have it in a jar in the basement. They were cardboard boxed rectangular batteries. The radio belonged to my Great Grandmother Elms. She listened to it once in a while. Mostly to church services on Sunday, but she may have listened to "local news" as well. It was tuned to KZZN in Littlefield, Texas for most of its life. My Granny got the radio when my Great Granny died. She got it for me, but used it to hear the "local news" on KZZN as she cleaned house. Somehow the radio got left on too long, or it was left on with the volume down. This radio quit working after many years of service. The batteries finally died. I don't know if it would work now, even if we could find batteries for it. I have a pocket transistor radio that was left on. The battery died in it but now when you put a fresh battery in it, it still won't work. I think the same would be the case with my Great Granny's radio if we were to find batteries for it.
Speaking of Batteries...There was a shop here in town that sold
"goofy" (odd) batteries. They sold a lot of batteries to Ford Motor
Company. They used them in prototype gadgets or something. The
engineers were always rigging up something or other, the owner of the shop
told us. I don't know if the owner is still living. The shop
moved out a ways from us. Can't remember which "suburb" it went to.
He sold the Varta NiCads that the Grundig Satellit 700 book recommended.
They are a high amp hour battery. At the time in the mid 1990's, those
Varta batteries cost about $72.00 I think. (Or was that $82.00 in the end?)
Whatever, that was a lot of money for
four batteries. I called around to some other specialty batter stores
to try and find them cheaper. No one could understand why I needed
such high amp hours for a radio!! (I'm trying to pick up Moscow,
that's why!---I was listening a lot to Moscow back then.) I bought
some generic? lower amp hour batteries at one of the other shops. They
don't work as well. I should check to make sure they aren't leaking
inside the radio. They are quite old now. If you know where I
can get any of the recommended Varta NiCads, let me know. I doubt
NiCads are still made. The radio will recharge them. Just
checked, from what I can tell, the batteries in the Grundig are fine.
![]() I have no idea what type of radio this is above. It is just a picture that came with Windows clip art. Favorite Radio Stations Short-Wave Radio Stations You can hear these on radio or online. You can get the latest frequencies and program schedules via their web sites. This is in the order that I listen to them. I don't always tune into a specific station. I have been listening lately to an old analogue boom box SW radio. It has been like getting a "new" radio, without buying one. (I haven't used it for SW in a long time.) It is difficult to know what frequency you are at on this one at times. So, it can be hit or miss what you listen to. I just see what I can pick up on it. I have found a good many programs in Chinese lately. I only know two words in Chinese! I have a friend in China, but he can't translate what I am listening to as he isn't normally listening. First some sites that might come in handy: If you need it, there is a "Frequency Wavelength Calculator" at, This one is my favorite place to get schedules. This is a German site. You can get schedules by language. It is fairly accurate information. I click on and then I go to "Hörfahrpläne". "Englisch" is English obviously. Stations: WTJC/WBOH Deutsche Welle Germany's International Broadcaster. I listen mainly to them in German. (Not that I know German well.) My favorite programs are, "Was ihr wollt ", (Which isn't on the air anymore since the summer or autumn of 2005.) "Schlager", "Sport kompakt", and "Sportreport - Sport bei DW-Radio". (I also like some of the other music programs they play, but I don't know the names of the ones I have heard.) Back in the 1980's they played a program that sounded like a cross between a game show (quiz) and a comedy/music program. The title had something in it about "1,000 Prizes" or "10,000 Prizes". I am trying to remember what they called the program. I have part of one on tape somewhere. If I find the name of it I will try to stick it on here. It was very interesting even though I didn't understand what they were saying for the most part. The audience really laughed at the comedy. Radio New Zealand International BBC World Service They don't broadcast to North America anymore, but I can pick up Caribbean, African and sometimes Western European frequencies. CFRB 1010 Toronto Via CFRX ODXA CFRB/CFRX Page. Some nights we can get it on AM radio via 1010. It trades off with WINS in New York City. Favorite Online Radio Stations Now that I have a fancy new fast Internet connection, I have been discovering online radio stations. My favorites are German language stations. I like the Swiss/German Landler music, a type of folk music. There is also a type of music (Schlager?--or hits?) that they play in Europe. It is almost like what they used to call in the U.S. "Easy Listening". They play some traditional country that is almost pop music as well. I don't know the name for this type of music. You just have to hear it to know what I am talking about. I have these listed in the order that I listen to them. You have to listen to these stations online, unless you are in the country that they broadcast. Of course, you have to have the proper program on your computer in order to, "tune in" and listen... Window's Media Player,; Real Audio,; or Winamp, Schweizer Radio DRS (Swiss Radio For German Speaking Switzerland) DRS Musigwälle. This station plays the type of music I was writing about above. Radio Eviva in Switzerland. They play mostly Landler music. They also have programs of old jazz and that sort of old fashioned pop music. This was my favorite online station until I found Schweizer Radio DRS. Deutsche Welle Radio M This is a station that plays mostly Jazz, some Classical and maybe some Pop music. You either like the music or you don't. BBC---There is too much of the BBC to list here. You can hear a variety of programs including the radio drama, "The Archers" via BBC Radio 4. There are numerous archived programs. You can find most of the BBC sites and things via their site map. You can do a search and find most anything you would care to hunt for. OR, you can look at their alphabetical listings. You name it, they probably have it at their site map. The only thing I don't like about this site map or BBCi Search is that they don't have a cache like Google does. Radio Books
For a more comprehensive list of our Radio Books, see the "Radio Books" page in the Library section. This is a list of books we have that deal with radio in some form or fashion. This isn't every radio book we own. Just the ones that stand out. If this section is of interest to you, look at all the categories below. I only list a book once---even if it could fit in more than one section. Short-Wave Books The Complete Shortwave Listener's Handbook--2nd Edition-- by Hank Bennett & Harry L. Helms. Copyright 1980. I got this at a charity thrift store in the area here. I found an E-mail inside it from Vladimir, when he lived in Kaliningrad. It was dated, January 28, 2001. Wow! That isn't that old. It was later, on May 19, 2001 that his computer inadvertently sent us a computer virus. [Our first known computer virus.] Radio Drama Writing Books (See also Technical Radio Books) Radio Writing by Max Wylie-- Copyright 1939. This one is from a writer at CBS. I got this one at Booked Up in Archer City, Texas. (It's good that I live far away!) Professional Radio Writing by Albert Crews-- Copyright 1946 by National Broadcasting Company. This book was once in the Marygrove (College?) Library. I got this one at John K. King Books in Detroit. (I'm not allowed to go in there very often!) Handbook of Radio Writing by Erik Barnouw--Reprinted October 1950. Mr. Barnouw once worked for NBC too. According to one source I found, this is supposed to be the best book there is on this subject. I couldn't believe that I found it when and how I did. I was at the big book sale on September 17, 2004. I was looking at coffee table picture books maybe, all of a sudden, I turned around and there was this book. Behind me was the section, "Useful Arts". Very plain to see, was the title, Handbook of Radio Writing. Gee!! Prayer works! Anyway, this seems like a very comprehensive book. There is some history of writing radio dramas at the front. The Young Writer, by Geoffrey Trease. A Practical Book. Copyright, 1961. This is a book of general writing information for young people. There is some radio drama stuff in there too. This book was printed in Great Britain. Radio Drama Theory And Practice by Tim Crook. Copyright 1999. I ordered this directly from the publisher. Old Time Radio Books (etc.) Stranger Than Fiction! by "The Voice of Experience"-- Copyright 1934. "The most universally significant and dramatic true human stories ever encountered by the famous radio "Voice" and here set forth, with the final outcome in each case revealed for the first time". This is a third printing. This was evidently a radio program broadcast over CBS. I think I may have gotten it at a charity thrift store in this area. Brochure from "The Lamplighter" Jacob Tarshish. Broadcast over Columbia Broadcasting System, Brought to the public under the sponsorship of, "Musterole, Zemo, and Zemo Ointment, Kreml Hair Tonic, and Kreml Shampoo, C.T.C. Seltzer". Wednesday, November 27, 1935. This one is titled, "Who are Your Friends?". I guess this is some sort of inspirational talk they gave over the radio. "The Lamplighter" Jacob Tarshish is presented by, Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, Kreml Hair Tonic, and Kreml Shampoo, Zemo, and Zemo Ointment, Musterole, Booth Tooth Paste. Station WOR, New York and Station WLW, Cincinnati, Sunday--2:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday--11:15 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. Station WGN, Chicago, Sunday--1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday--10:15 a.m. Central Standard Time. The envelope is interesting. 1935 is three years before this house was built. The brochure (leaflet) came to my husband's grandmother when they still lived in Detroit. It is in a precancled envelope, which is collectable by stamp collectors. The other neat thing is the return address. Post Office Box 555 Grand Central Station, New York City. If you are at all a train buff, this makes it very cool! We did find some empty Zemo bottles in the house. Don't know what Zemo was (is?). Jacob Tarshish was a Rabbi. This is also interesting to me. I don't think Rabbis get as much radio and television time any more. Maybe I miss them somehow. Bachelor's Children, A Synopsis of the Radio Program, Written by Bess Flynn. Published by Old Dutch Cleanser. Copyright 1939. This book is very much a "reading copy"--maybe. It is about to fall apart and some kid heavily scribbled on the back cover with a pencil. Somewhere in the cedar chest, (I know it's the worst place!) there is another advertisement brochure. It is an advertisement tie in with the Amos and Andy radio program. It has a map of the town where Amos and Andy lived. I can't remember much more about it. It is buried in the cedar chest. Technical Radio Books Short Course in Electricity and Radio, Lincoln Engineering School, Lincoln, Nebraska-- Copyright 1936. It is "Book No. 2". This one is falling apart a bit. I must have gotten it in Ft. Worth somewhere. Inside is a piece of notebook paper with all the places listed where I took the Bush Radio B.P. 90. I even list what the various sales people said about my battery problem. I evidently made my trip, November 25, 1985. Of course I took this book around with me to all the electronic shops in town. That radio got heavy at the end of the day. The paper was marking the section of the book that shows drawings of various "ancient" Eveready batteries. (At least they are "ancient" by 21st Century standards.) "A, B, and C batteries Used in Farm Radios". Handbook of Broadcasting by Waldo Abbot-- Copyright 1941. Associate Professor of Speech and Director of Broadcasting, University of Michigan; Member, Federal Radio Education Committee; Member, Radio Council, Chicago Public Schools; Educational Director of Station WJR. The first book I bought that had anything to do with writing radio drama. I either got this at John K. King Books; the long gone, C Books; or somewhere else in the area. It was more than likely John K. King Books. I am pretty sure it was. (When I was in there buying, "Professional Radio Writing" by Albert Crews, I saw another copy of "Handbook of Broadcasting".) I am looking for a receipt as a bookmark, but I only find a note saying my mother called to wish me a happy birthday; and there's a card saying that I can subscribe to "Business In The USSR" with 11 issues being only $85.00. This book is for people studying all aspects of broadcasting. It has everything in it. This book could easily be listed in three sections. Not everyone was going to get a job at WJR or WABC right away. There is a photograph of a guy doing the "dawn patrol" at KGFW in Kearney, Nebraska. "As well as the announcer in a small radio station, (he) must handle the controls, the transcription turntable, and announce the program all at the same time". It is an interesting book. I like the radio drama photos inside. They show some of the equipment of the sound "men". There are even some photos of actors and an actress doing a radio drama at WJR. I bought it so I could learn something about writing radio drama. I learned that back in the 40's, a fifteen minute radio "serial" only had eight minutes of dialogue to it. Once they had the opening credits, advertisements and closing credits, there was only eight minutes left. Wow! How do you advance a story and keep the audience interested in only eight minutes? One booklet for the Motorola Cordless 1500 all transistor portable-table radio model XT18. Don't know what year it is from, but the Motorola address on the back gives a Chicago zip code (postal code) of 51. There Are No Electrons: Electronics For Earthlings by Kenn Amdahl. Copyright 1991. I assume this is the right slot for this book... Passport to Web Radio Second Edition. Copyright 1998. "Complete Idiot's Guide to Getting Started". I was just such an idiot. I got an Internet connection in the hopes of improving my reception by trying out web radio. That was after October 1997. But I was online before, July 22, 1998 when I bought this book. I had it on order at Little Professor's for several months. I ordered the book on February 9, 1998 probably. As a book mark there is a print out of a "Real Audio How To Guide" printed, July 26, 1998. "Live Audio Streams: If you have a 486/33 MHz PC with Soundcard...". At the time, "Radio Echo" in Moscow was very difficult to listen to. Every political analyst and journalist in the world must have been listening in as I could rarely get an open slot. I didn't get to listen much to web radio until I got this fancy Internet connection on November 3, 2003. First off, the connection I had was too slow for streaming of any kind. Then the damage of the virus from Vladimir and my deleting things (that I thought were, "spyware"), caused my old computer to not believe it had a soundcard inside it. Eventually the sound quit working on my old computer. Radio In General Books The Last Great Days of Radio by Lynn Woolley-- Copyright 1994. A book about radio stations in Texas. My brother gave me this one. Marconi Pioneer of Radio by Douglas Coe-- Copyright 1943. I must have gotten it in Michigan somewhere as it once belonged to the Whitefish Township Library. I probably got this at the AAUW book sale I go to every year. But I am not sure about that at all. Now that I think about it, I could have gotten it at a charity thrift store. Who knows where I got it?